Monday, February 9, 2009

Caleb is 5!

I am still in disbelief that my little boy has turned 5! With my parents being out of town we thought about having the Crane's over for dinner but Travis has a hard time with our cat and I have to disinfect the house from top to bottom...not fun. So since we needed to take care of the new puppies and do some prep work for a funeral we were having Saturday we decided to crash my parents house and have a birthday party dinner there where we could do everything! It was great. :)
I only have a few pics as we were busy doing stuff but this little guy was anticipating cake and he was looking forward to blowing "off" the candles. ;)

He started blowing them out before we could get a picture...

Smoke, that's really neat...

My big, little guy. I love you Caleb!

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Ruth Ann said...

that's funny you 'stole' your mom & dad's house for the party.

That's a pretty cool looking cake! I'm trying to figure out how you did it...gonna give up though. I'm guessing the train tracks were either made to fit on top of there, or you had to choose the cake pan that fit it best, or....??? Yeah, it's driving me nuts. And the neat decorations - they must be candy. All in all it's terribly cute and I'm sure the fellow LOVED it! I know, 5 years have flown. 'Tis amazing.

Charles said...

Hi Ruth Ann,

Well Caleb loves his trains so I knew that it would be an easy colorful decoration. I did pick the cake pan that the tracks would fit on top of, it was the 10" round. The sides have split Newman's O's (organic oreos) pressed on top of those neat, natural colored candy sprinkles I found at Whole Foods Market. I marked out the 5 and outlined it with the chocolate icing that I wrote his name with and filled the inside with the candies and crushed cookies to go around it. Slap 5 candles on it with his trains and wah lah! My creative juices have had a hard time working lately so I was banging my head against a wall as I was doing it to figure out what in the world to do! :)

Becca's Blog said...

Jen, you sound so much like Amanda. Everytime she makes a cake all I hear is how she can't think, it won't come together...and then it turns out looking way better than anything I've ever bought and 10 times more creative. =) Good work!

I can't believe your little boy is 5 either. Just boggles my mind. I'm getting OLD!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday Caleb! Love, Luke :)

Ruth Ann said... do very well for banging your head against a wall, Jenifer. Maybe some of that creativity comes cause you DO have children - you want to make something they'll love and you love them so much you'll do anything. Is that some of it? Cause I just can't see myself as being that creative right now.

Those are really neat sprinkles.

Patrick and Hannah Walsh said...

Happy Birthday Caleb! Can't believe you're 5 already!

McLanger said...

wow! time does fly! Your little man is so handsome:-)

Unknown said...

I can't believe Caleb is 5 either. The children are growing up SO quickly.
The cake is SO cute. Very creative and something any little boy would just love.