Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Praying for others

The past week and a half have been SO hectic. So many things went "wrong", so many things were a headache to try and fix. So many things were scary, concerning etc and it can sometimes get you to where you just focus on yourself. Even in the midst of my own trials I can look at others and see how gracious and merciful God has been to me. And praying for others is probably one of the best things we can ever do! I have been following the story of this couple since right after their daughter was born. They are about my age so it kind of hits closer to home about what exactly they are facing in life right now. They just got some discouraging news yesterday so please go and read about them and pray for them for may need a box of tissues.

Also the missionary family down in Mexico is experiencing some new trials. So if you would remember to lift up the Lockwood's as well.

Whenever we have days where we are pretty much flat on our back from all that's come our way, it puts us in a very good position as we are looking up...where we should be looking all the time. :)


Ruth Ann said...

thanks Jenifer for the reminder!! I get carried away in my own concerns and forget to look to Others. That song, "OTHERS" is a good reminder as well.

ps: perfect pic for the psot! *grin*

Unknown said...

Very true!!

McLanger said...

those are some good words or wisdom! Thanks for sharing! :-)