Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Five Years Ago...

I've had this post in my drafts for awhile because I had wanted to put some wedding pictures in it but couldn't find my cd's and I was too lazy to scan ones onto the computer. ;) So finally I found one cd and I am able to post a few pictures.

Here we are five years later, it seems hard to believe that two weeks ago today we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. So much has happened since then, building a house, no job, first baby, new job, another job, another job, second baby, contractor school, license test, miscarriage, started our company, third baby and the list goes on...

God has seen fit to keep us together, strengthen us and grow us through the good times and bad. He has taught me many things and I am grateful that I can be a wife to Charles and a momma to the children He has blessed us with.

I really get a kick out of how little everyone looks. Five years can change people a bunch, especially children.

Now we have our hands full with our own blessings. :)

All in all now we are just an old married couple. ;) He affectionately calls me fuzzyheaded momma and in return he is fuzzyheaded daddy. He used to be my fuzzyface when he had the beard but now that it's gone we just kinda changed it. And lest anyone think that I was a domineering wife and made Charles shave, I didn't, really I couldn't. He did it all by himself (okay, maybe with a little encouragement from PTP) but I kinda enjoy the new look. :)

Love you sweetie!


Ruth Ann said...

Bravo Jenifer!! :) When I saw the title I knew what it was was a totally excellent post and I so enjoyed reading it all!

5 I mean, I was 15 then, and that seems ages ago. Now 2 of my younger siblings have reached that age, and it is so hard to believe. Like you said, 5 years can change a whole lot. I loved seeing the wedding pictures too and being reminded of back then. I love to pull out the copies I have and look through them - seems like a different world. A world without Caleb, Charis & Mercy - and the smiling faces and places in church they have filled. Wow, that's really different. So now...I know that the next 5 years are in the Lord's hands, but I kinda can't help but wonder what they'll bring. I guess one day, one moment at a time He will reveal it to us, right?

So thanks again for sharing and all the pics are cute! :) And yea, I kinda do enjoy Bro. Charles w/o the beard. He didn't look bad with it, just it's funny because when I see a pic with the beard it definitely looks different.

So happy anniversary to the fuzzyheaded couple! :) (hoho, you know I'm just copying y'all...'tis quite amusing I must confess!!)

Love you!! :) You've been like a big sis to me, and I thank you for it! It's so sweet to see your little family growing. I know, we imagine these things all our lives (getting married, having children) but honestly: "who would have imagined?" What we imagine can't even compare to what the Lord prepares for us!!

Well, I guess I'll talk to you later - here I am just talking away!!

Love you much...

McLanger said...

aw...sweet post. Love the pictures! I remember your wedding...can't beleive it has been five years since we all went. God has been good to you!
Congratulations! Morganne;-)

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary (a little late)!! It is so hard to believe it's been 5 years. In some ways though it does seem like so long ago because SO much has happened in those 5 short years.
Loved seeing all the pictures. May God continue to bless you both!

ReBecky said...

Wow, everyone looks so young (and cute)!! :) I remember hearing about your wedding from Susan. Thanks for posting the pics!!!

Patrick and Hannah Walsh said...

Happy Anniverary y'all! Can't believe we all celebrate 5 years this year!